The Special Training Contracts (CSF) takes place in a context of high Business expectations in terms of promoting on-the-job training programs. The Government to this effect has set up a financial assistance mechanism designated by the Interprofessional Advisory Assistance Groups (GIAC) and CSF.

This mechanism aims at increasing the Business demand - espacially SMEs - for on-the-job training programs, as well as the continuous improvement of employees' skills. In order to take advantage of this scheme, companies must make a "Request for Reimbursement of OFPPT Training Actions".

With the aim of continuously improving the skills of employees, this financing scheme is the result of a partnership between the OFPPT and the beneficiary company.

This way, SMEs and SMIs, or even VSEs as the majority components of the national productive fabric, will be able to access to all training programs that allow the acquisition or improvement of professional skills. which permit to companies to use training as a growth driver of their human resources, and thus promote their competitiveness.

In plain terms, the procedure for requesting access to the CSF scheme requires the establishment of an Access Certificate from the requesting company to the CSF system, which indicates that the company is eligible.

This certificate applies to Diagnostic and Engineering Actions, as well as for all Individual Financing Requests submitted during the fiscal year N. The request for access to the CSF scheme for fiscal year N, can be submitted from October N-1.

Requests for reimbursement of training costs are contained in a financial file that must be submitted no later than 30 April of year N+1 to the OFPPT's CSF Management Unit. Requests for reimbursement of training engineering actions are part of the concerned GIACs responsibility.